Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Essay 3 Organization

The decision to use cocaine leads to a three step chain of events including depression, addiction, and withdrawal.

Paragraph 2
  • Using cocaine raises dopamine and serotonin while it is affecting the body
  • Levels of serotonin and dopamine drop significantly after cocaine use
  • Users need more cocaine to elevate their mood
  • 18-22% of suicides have been found to be related to cocaine
Paragraph 3
  • Tolerance to cocaine is built up and more is needed to get a person high
  • Addiction sets in as a person needs the drug to overcome depression
  • "Cocaine is at least as addictive as heroin"
  • Long-term use can result in sleep disturbances, deterioration of the nervous system, and death
Paragraph 4
  • Cravings for cocaine can last for months following the end of long-term use
  • Withdrawal can cause shaking, nausea, muscle pain, and depression
  • Serotonin levels are thought to be severely depleted due to cocaine use
  • People experiencing withdrawal may take sedatives to ease the pain


  1. I had no idea that people took sedatives to help their withdrawal symptoms

  2. I like the way you organize your pre-writes. nice job !
