Peaceful revolutions are more successful than violent ones in the areas of gaining popular support, developing a positive image, and creating lasting changes.
Paragraph 2
- The Peaceful Revolution v. the KKK
- Peaceful Revolution used peaceful demonstrations
- KKK used lynching and bombing
- D. C. Stephenson was convicted for murder
- The public opposed the image of the KKK so they didn't support it
Paragraph 3
- The Third Reich v. the Civil Rights Movement
- Civil Disobedience was practiced by MLK Jr.
- Nazi extermination of inferior races
- Peaceful march on D.C.
- Civil Rights Act of 1964
- Many people felt sympathy towards African Americans
Paragraph 4
- The Civil War v. Protestant Reformation
- Martin Luther's 95 Theses were posted
- Protestantism arose beginning with Calvinism
- 620,000 deaths in the Civil War
- Little gains for the South
I like the development of your 2nd essay. The information you found for your topic is very interesting.